Thursday, 16 July 2015

A Jammy Week

 I seem to have misplaced my MoJo as far as sewing is concerned.
I'm not sure if it's because I have so many things on the go or what,  but a little zipper pouch that should have taken an hour to make up,  took me all evening and I'm still not very happy with it.
I used  Noodlehead's pattern  which is really simple but something just wasn't working for me.
I had cut 6 out ready to sew but I have put the others on the "to do" pile till I have found my "go"
 I did manage to nab some shiny redcurrants and fat gooseberries from my group and my very nice friend brought strawberries and blackcurrants from the farm shop in Kings Lynn,   so I decided to have a jammy session

all prepared ready for the cook
So I now have more jam than we will ever be able to eat but I think the family may very well help me out with that.

Have a little trip out in the morning but am determined to crack on with the sewing machine at the weekend

Have a great one!


  1. Jam looks good, but like you I always make too much for me, so I rely on the family to help me out!!

  2. Oh, Lesley, Blackcurrant jam !!!😋😋😋

  3. You very rarely see blackcurrants so to be able to make jam with them is a treat, enjoy. Just leave the bags for a day or two then go back with new eyes.
