Thursday, 26 February 2015

Mini Mania

 Our little group (of four) are making a Mini quilt a month this year. We failed to start this in January so we will have to do a catch up block during the next few months.

We were all getting on quite nicely, with the seam rippers only being used every five minutes occasionally. 
I have used more pins on these 3" blocks that I would ever on a "normal" block, but there is absolutely no "wiggle" room when sewing these pieces together

I think we have all made this mistake!
 Or this one!

 But eventually we all got those little blighters blocks done

 We are all keeping connected via "WhatsApp" and some of the photos and comments that have been posted have given us all a good laugh.

 And I am NOT going to explain this!!!

Anyway, the big "reveal"  will be on Saturday morning at 10 am  - just because ONE of us (we know who you are) does not do early mornings.

And next months design has been chosen ready for Monday morning.  

Do you remember the Snowdrop Sunday event that I visited a couple of weeks ago?  Well I went back on Saturday and took a couple more photos

 The good weather has opened up so many more of the little buds

 And they raised an incredible £5500 over the event weekend!!!  How about that!

On Tuesday I met Sister 2 at Sywell Country Park  to walk around the reservoir there. I was cold and quite windy but a lovely day for a brisk(ish) walk and a long chat about all sorts.  

 We must have had more rain over the past few days than I had realised because we came across many of these
 And had to brave some obstacles

 These two photos were taken at the same time

 How can it be so grey one way and so blue the other!!

We may or may not have had a nice cup of tea and toasted tea cake when we had finished. I cannot possibly say.

We will hopefully do the same next week (work commitments permitting)


  1. Walk looks fun. Love you little mini quilt and can't wait to see the finished article.

  2. I had lots of laughs over the 'what's app' conversations and still giggle now. Why is it that snowdrops seem to grow in abundance in some places but in my garden I get so few???.? I just love them. But muddy and not my walking weather

  3. I would have thought Ann was an early riser! But I can wait to post my picture. It's ready on my phone (can post it from bed!!) 😴😴😴

  4. test message to see if you get notified with a gmail address

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. we dont need to know about your tummy problems thank you !!!!!
