Monday, 20 October 2014

It's Been a Funny Old Week

 Starting last Tuesday, when Sister 2 (I have three sisters ) posted this photo on-line.

 (One of) My lovely nephews ( Not the 40 year old, or the sailor or the one "up t'north")  going through Airport Security on his latest adventure. C and his lovely girlfriend F are off to South America to explore! We saw him a few days before he left, and he was so excited, and so was I , for him. Plans had been made. Instagram accounts signed up to, so we are able to follow his exploits (intermittently), but when I saw this pic, I had an overwhelming sense of sadness that I just cant explain.
We don't see the one in the north very often, but we can if we want to. We don't see the sailor very often, but we know when he will be with us again. C has gone on a one way ticket. He will stay as long as he wants too or until his funds run out. And that is good. He should be free to please himself, and I wouldn't want to deny him this adventure, but I still felt sad. Maybe its the hormones. Maybe I am a little bit jealous. But I have gotten over it. By the second day, he had posted a pic of himself dancing in the streets with some locals, so he has arrived and made himself at home. 

Later in the week I made this cake using hints and tips from this blogger . She often posts about her cooking and this looked particularly tasty. I was expecting a couple of visitors over the weekend so I thought that I would try it out on them.  It is a Cinnamon Roll Cake and really easy to make.
 It is large. The visitors re-arranged, so I took most of it into work so that I did not have to eat it myself.

And instead of guests, we went of to the lovely Milton Keynes (not my favourite place) to meet up with family for lunch, and to pass over Birthday cards and a gift for SIL for his birthday tomorrow. He had had his main present before they went off to Mauritius on a slightly delayed honeymoon. I have never seen anyone so pleased to receive a broom handle Remote Pole for a newly acquired camera. It was well used and MANY photographs have been taken.

Off to my Local Quilt Group today, to take part in a workshop " Stunning Stitches" . We began with a piece of batik fabric, couched some threads onto it. Then we used the fancy stitches on the machine to run alongside the couching. Add a bit of quilting and Hey Presto! A very decorative piece of fabric that I will be making a book cover with, and it will be a gift for a friend.

 Some more stitching to finish off but we had a really good day. No pressure. Just sitting sewing and chatting (as always) and something pretty to look at to show for it.

I fear the THE BAG will not be completed for the upcoming holiday ( which I feel more and more in need of!!) . I do have a couple of weeks, but little Miss is staying with us again this weekend, and a video has just been viewed. She who was happy to lay on the floor or sit and play with her toys IS CRAWLING, so I must clear all the "stuff" that we crafters like to have around us. Knitting in one corner, sewing in another.

Not that I feel the need to child proof my home. She must learn what she can and cannot have or touch, but I do think that my son will not be happy if she is returned with injuries from kitting needles or pins or any of the other implements that I have at hand.

This could take a while.......


  1. like the look of the cinnamon roll cake!

  2. I know how you feel about waving your nephew goodbye. There is no rhyme or reason for feeling that way, it just happens sometimes.
    Love the look of the cake, might have to try that next time we visit the family in the North.
    As for that little Angel, she probably wont hurt herself, but they take knitting off needles at the blink of an eye :)

  3. Little Miss will get into everything and eventually your handbag, will find your lipstick and smear it all over herself!! Been there, and got the T-shirt.

    Lovely book cover and a super workshop. Glad I did it.
