Sunday, 27 September 2015

Just a Quickie

to say I will sort a proper post out in a couple of days,
The Higham Piecemakers Exhibition has taken up so much of my time this last two weeks, but it was held this weekend.

It is over.

I am pooped.

But it was worth it.

Lots of money made and all of the funds raised at this event will be distributed between local charities, so we should feel good.

You can read (or see) all about it here

I just feel tired!

I need to sort out the carnage that I have brought home with me, and put everything back in it's place.

See you on Tuesday


  1. I see some familiar quilts in that one photo....and a big sneak peek!;) Beautiful!!

  2. Nice one dolores! Beedie eyes!! It was a great exhibition and you did a great job. Xx

  3. You deserve your rest, so settle down and take it easy.
