Tuesday, 25 April 2017

A BIG Finish!!!!

 There has been as much sewing as I could fit in over the past couple of weeks
 Of course none done over the family visiting at Easter but luckily Mr T had a couple of days on the golf course so, sew I did,  until lots of pretty fabrics were joined to make up the backing for my new quilt.

And the a bit of surgery to replace to replace one of the sashings that was the same as the next one - only spotted when I posted the photo in my last post 😧

Yards of leftover bits were sewn to make up the binding

And off the quilt went to my friend who had offered to quilt the beastie on her long arm machine
After much angst choosing the design - I chose Tahitian Pearl by Urban Elementz
In a trice it was done!  (though I know it took hours to sew. Half and hour for each row!)

 After several more hours sewing down the binding - it's on my bed!!!
repeated spotty strip replaced😌
 I L.O.V.E it!!!😍😍😍

 It looks so nice that I fear we may have to sleep in the spare room so as not to spoil the effect 😜

I also vastly overestimated the amount of binding that I would need when sewing those scraps together so now I have more than enough left to bind another quilt in the same fabrics. But that must wait for a while.
how big did I think the quilt was???

At the same time as getting the quilt finished, I have been madly trying to get the crochet border done on these pretty squares....
only 4 to go
I need this crochet project done, as I have seen another item that I am dying to have a try at (my crochet is not my best feature πŸ˜‰)

AND .... I have pieced lots of little squares that will make up a Puff Quilt backing for a quilt top for Little Miss to put in her Wigwam

all ready for the stuffing.
And....... I have finished my Mini Mania Challenge for April ( this month was Triangles)
and the reveal for that will be on Sunday with our new Challenge given on Monday.

 At my local quilt group this week we had a visiting speaker, who told us all about her involment with the Dress a child Charity. She showed us lots of pretty Pillowcase dresses that she had made, and several photos of the children in Uganda that were wearing her dresses.

 Each of the dresses has an embroidered label form the organisation. It is a horrifying fact that these little girls feel safe when wearing a labeled dress as the men avoid hurting them. They think the label means someone is protecting them 

She also had some photos of little boys wearing shorts that are sent too.

 And then I spotted some of the shorts that I had made !!!
lets face it - my choice of fabric mix!
at the moment I am finishing of 48 more pairs , though they are not so colourful as these.

I am hoping to take some had sewing with me when we head off to sunnier climes in a couple of weeks.  ( its a good job I set the Challenge each month πŸ˜‰)

With the family.

 All of them. 

Do I really think that any sewing will get done?? 

We shall see πŸ™„πŸ™„


  1. What fun; a holiday with all the family. No sewing will get done, unless in a 'darkened room' to get away from them all.

  2. Lovely post & your long-armer mustn't have a computerised machine by the sound of the half hour to do each row. Even just setting up the rows with rolling, basting the sides etc. takes time. It certainly looks lovely. Yes, how much binding did you make? I'm looking forward to seeing what those gorgeous crochet edge squares become & to hear about your next challenge. I really like the work you all do for the children in Africa. Enjoy your break to sunnier climes. Here in southern Oz, it has turned quite chilly. Take care.

    1. Hi Susan - I made about 3 times as much as needed!! Do you have a blog? Please let me know

    2. Yes, I do have a blog & if you click on my icon above it should take you straight there. Thanks for asking & take care.

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  3. Love the shorts Lesley after all the short making is only you and I.......Thank you Lesley

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