Wednesday, 15 July 2020

Mostly About.....

 Gardens ...

We ventured out for the first time, and went to Barnsdale Gardens, to meet up with my sister for a surprise Birthday picnic. 

The weather had broken and the rains came down, but between showers we did explore these lovely gardens, created by the lovely Geoff Hamilton - late of BBC Gardeners World.

 Maybe it was good that it was wet, as there was only one other couple there, so we really had the place to ourselves.

Which broke us in nicely for a visit to a local garden that was open at the weekend with the National Open Gardens scheme. 

I pass this house every time I visit DD, but i would never have guessed at what was hidden behind the house.
 It was a wonderful plot, full of little secret gardens and tiny foot paths only suitable for fairy steps,

 and lots of little nooks that needed exploring.

 And then there's our garden, and thank goodness that we have one.  It has pretty much been stripped back to the bones, after being left to it's own devices for decades before we moved in.

It really is taking shape, and I have managed to get most of it planted up with things brought from our old house.

 Though we have invested in some new plants, including this beautiful rose.  Named Olivia Rose - well, we had to have this one as that is the name of our first grand daughter.

 It is such a pretty pink, and the fragrance is divine

 The Delphiniums have been happy to be out of their pots and in the garden

and the bees welcomed them

 My hanging baskets seem to like it here
 This one was a housewarming gift last year and has been hanging there all through the winter. I just tidied it up a bit and it was away growing again!

 I have also had time to tend my (ever growing😳) collection of succulents
gifted from a friend

 and because we had a wet day last week, Mr T hunkered down in his nice new shed and made me a shelf to house them all 😁

I have been doing a little bit of sewing - a reading cushion birthday gift
I needed(wanted) a new little storage bag, so I went back 10 years and used this tutorial from Pink Penguin. it really is a simple but pretty little bag
and as I had broken open a fat 1/4 bundle, i made one or two more !!!!
I have had to dive into my stash, to make a little rug as SOMEONE (it's not me and there is only two of us here) keeps coming in in his their gardening shoes 
just a bit of quilting to go

Mr T and I had a bit of a Celebration for our 40th Wedding anniversary - we were invited to DD for our lunch  and No1 son and family were there too. 😊

It was lovely to see the cousins together again
Love Struck Uncle
How quickly they grow
Just HOW did this happen ?
Little Mr L trying on his new school uniform
Little Mr L trying on his new school uniform!!

Young Mr C is such a happy little chap 😊

11 weeks!

This morning I needed stem ginger in syrup for a recipe, but had none in the cupboard, so I made some myself 👌

Should keep me going for a while, and so much cheaper than buying a jar!!!!


  1. Whoops! Where did my original comment disappear to...Here is another one. What a lovely post & catching up with your family must have been great. The top garden is gorgeous & very little is open over here, even gardens. Your garden is coming along nicely too & your pot shelf is lovely. Well done to your hubby. Loving all your craft projects & good to see you staying busy. Have a great weekend, take care & huggles.

  2. lovely photos like the family one every one looks so happy

  3. Just got round to looking at this. Sorry. Love seeing all your family photos. xx
