Just got to put the fronts and backs together and they can be passed of to Save The Children for sale at their Woodstock shop - A Charity shop, that sells only books and hopefully these will pretty up their window
Much of the last week has been spent traveling the 40 miles back and forth to Leicester Royal Infirmary where DH was being repaired.
Looks like the picture of health ! |
So after a major baking session on Saturday, Sunday morning I left him in peace and went off to make the teas at the Open Gardens in the village.
lots of yummy cakes |
Plenty of visitors
And we even had freshly made waffles on offer!
I think that I must have poured 300 cups of tea so DH had a peaceful evening too !!! Zzzzzzzzzz
While I was out, he had spent some time
And it worked!! It might just need a bit of tweaking but that will keep me happy.
And it works in reverse too
I found 8 balls of this 100% wool 4ply yarn in my Mum's old knitting basket. I think this could be around 29 years old!!!
But I have a plan.....
And will be using this.....
And some of this ......
To have a play at dying the yarn in fabulous colours!!! We will see how that goes.
I had cast on another shawl project - This one is the Talisman Shawl and although I love the design, I was not happy with the fabric that the yarn was making
This is a 4ply Baby Alpaca/ Silk mix. Super soft to knit.
So I pulled it out and went with Downtown Line instead
It is coming on very nicely, and I am much happier with this one.
This week was our project day at my local Patchwork and Quilting group
We had a choice of four projects to do, all of which could be completed in the day - that is ALL FOUR.
I think I must have been talking too much because this was the results of my ALL DAY sewing !!!!
More catching up to do !!!