Thursday, 12 April 2018

A Slow Month

 As far as sewing is concerned.

I have been playing Florence Nightingale to the little ones, first one then the other was poorly, and then poor Mummy came down with a dreadful case of Tonsillitis so off we went to collect the little darlings to come to stay whilst she got over it.

The weather has been ...... changeable but a visit to Stanwick Lakes is always popular 

 And then off to Mini Meadows Farm  where Master L found a rabbit that was as big as he was!
 DD came with us and made some new ... friends 😂

 As I said, Spring is TRYING to show its head

 But it was damp and cold when we went to watch DD have an Archery Lesson (a birthday gift)
6 arrows in the yellow!!
She was rather good at this, so those pesky pigeons may need to move house !

 It was Higham Piecemakers Christmas Challenge Reveal this week.

We were given a Cotton Tea Towel, and the Challenge was to re-purpose this into something else.

the mini charms were a gift
I made a Châtelaine for my armchair

 Perfect for keeping sewing supplies and chocolate whilst watching TV

The Scrap Quilt is coming on, slowly
250 x 4'" blocks - but still more to make!
 I have set these HST's aside and have started on the second block, scrappy strips just for a change.

I "think" that I need 120 of these blocks
As the weather is STILL too cold and damp to get out on the garden,  I shall be staying inside and adding to this pile.