Thursday, 19 January 2017

Okay Okay Okay......

 I swear that I have been busy and that is my excuse for not posting here for over a month!

I have noticed that lots of people have stalled as far as Blogging is concerned. Is Blogging now out of fashion?  I see that many post on Instagram regularly, and that platform is so much quicker to use, but I am hoping that my favourites do come back to Blogger soon. 

But I'm back now.

A quick re cap of the Festive period included some frantic knitting to finish this shawl as a gift for a non knitting neighbour
 Far too much time making beaded baubles to add to my little light tree

 Packing the car up for the trip down south to spend Christmas with the Essex family

We truly could not get anything else in the car! 
 Well - except for Darling Daughter who traveled with us because SIL had to work on Christmas day.  Luckily he arrived in Essex in time for a scrumptious Christmas lunch

 The full contents of my very first Advent Calendar
 Look out for the new me in 2017!

A beautiful Boxing day spent walking on the beach
 some.... refreshments on the front
 A cold but beautiful day

 Bank Holiday Tuesday saw the ladies of the family trot off to London to see Disney's  Frozen on Ice.

And the Boys?  Well Three Men and a Baby   - and I know there was a pub involved 😟😲 and I can't say anything more!

We traveled back home on the Wednesday after 4 full days of fun and laughter and after unpacking, we felt the need to sit in the chair and stare into space - for hours !!😅😳😳😳

I had promised a friend that I would make two of the story cushions ready for her grand children

Done and delivered

 I have been knitting another wrap/shawl/scarf and it went very well. Then came (my first) applied border. Well that took .....ages. I think it was 28 repeats of a 20 row pattern.
 and it kept on and on and on
 But I did finish and am very pleased with the results.

 We had a crochet group meet up last week and I have started a scrappy blanket using all the leftover balls of Style-craft special yarn that is filling my basket. It will take a while, but I enjoy hooking away whilst watching the TV.
 Our Mini Mania group had two months to complete the latest challenge. 48 days later and I really must get started! 

 In one day I started piecing, layered quilted and bound this Mini Quilt. The big reveal will be at the end of the month
 I am hoping that the quilting will hide a multitude of sins 😜

 At the weekend we are again off to see Little Miss 😇 and Master 🦁  We are in charge for a couple of days so Monday will be written off in a coma!!

 He has grown so much in the past three weeks!! 

 That my friends is wot I did in the 'olidays!

Promise to be back soon 😉