Saturday, 27 August 2016

Busy Busy Busy

But not much sewing done for a couple of weeks.  We had visitors for a week, and they needed some R&R after a 30 hour trip from the other side of the world.  Luckily the weather was good for relaxing in the garden,  and after a couple of days we hopped on a train to York for a stroll around those ancient streets.

First port of call was Kennedy's for Lunch
 Then we meandered around the city before Climbing up to walk around the city walls

York Minster - which took 250 years to build!!!
 A quick coffee break and then down to the Museum Gardens and an Ice Cream by the river
 Finishing the city wall walk back down to the station.
Our friends from New Zealand
I just love York Station
 More pottering at home and local trips finishing the week with a trip to Foxton Locks

 It's funny how we take these things for-granted.  Our visitors have never seen anything like this. and David was intrigued as to how the locks operated. A kind boat owner allowed him to help operate the locks as the boat went down the run of 12 locks moving the narrow-boats down a 75 foot drop.

And then off to Birmingham to set up for Festival of Quilts

nearly set up

the finished stand
 Considering we were there for five days in total, it was only on the last day that I had time to walk around to snap some pictures of my favourite quilts

There were lots of Medallion style quilts  which took my eye

I think this was my favourite

Who wouldn't love Chocolate and Strawberries

 A friend - Angela - had her Anja Townrow quilt on display
 This was a pattern series from Fabrications magazine
1" pieces!
A Friendship quilt

Best in Show
 The next quilts are all miniatures

6" x 8" finished

 Borrowed a hand to show the scale!

6" x 8"

 All so tiny - they need to be seen to appreciate the work.

Lots of demonstrations and classes

And we certainly deserved one of these at the end of the day!

 But this was the piece that kept drawing me back

 Normal fabric so cleverly quilted.

 Just fabulous. I keep looking at the photos and am still in awe

 Comfort was resorted to whilst working on the stand

 Sunday saw it all taken down and the journey home

there seems to be much luggage -???
 And I only purchased a reel of thread!!

Feet up and a cure all

 In those few days the garden had gone mad
all varieties of courgette

 A quick visit to see catch up with the family
a much needed paddle
 And then some VERY long overdue quilting for Sister 3.  she had appliqued this huge piece and had asked if I could quilt it for her.
I must confess that it had been put in the cupboard and completely forgotten about.

But it is finished now.

I must say - I am rather impressed!

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

July Mini Mania Reveal

The end of July saw another reveal in our Mini Mania Challenge Group.
Our subject was Seminole Patchwork






 Jo has not bound her Mini - she will be making a quilt with all of this years Challenges


 And last but not least is mine
 The quilt measures 6" x 12" so most certainly qualifies as a Mini!

 And so onto Augusts Challenge - Dresden Plate ....... We shall see how this one goes!

No sewing has taken place yet

We have had the lovely Christine and David from Kids Quilts staying with us for a few days of rest and recuperation, after a 30 hour trip up from New Zealand.

They are exhibiting at the Festival of Quilts and I am off there to socialise give a hand!

We let them acclimatise a little before a very relaxed day trip up to the lovely city of York

The Minster from the city walls

The beautiful Minster that too 250 years to build!

The weather was kind, with much sun but a lovely breeze to keep us cool.   Our visitors were amazed that they could touch a tower from the original castle that dates back to 107AD !
perfect spot to eat our ice creams
 A day spent meandering the city streets and visiting (more than one ) eating establishment before heading back to the station for the ride home.
The station is very "Harry Potter"ish
 then we spent a couple of very warm days exploring our village

ringing the church bells!
and sitting in the garden

 And included a visit to Foxton Locks

 A run of 10 locks to raise these narrow-boats 75 feet up a hill

 The Kiwi was fascinated by these feats of engineering that we do somewhat take for granted. 
and of course - had to have a go!
the boat owners and volunteers were very kind, and explained how everything worked. 

 So now to bed to have a good night before heading off to Birmingham for the set of of the Kids Quilts stand ready for the show to open on Thursday.

Christine and David last year
There are lots of new patterns and new fabric ranges to show this year. I wonder if I will be able to resist!